Thursday 9 October 2014

ANIMAL FARM By George Orwell

Well, this is the second of Orwell's novels that I've read and I must say that I enjoyed it just as much, if not more so than the first one (1984). I had previously picked up a brief idea of what happened from hearing people talk about the book in my literature class, so I had a faint idea of what to expect.

Animal farm is the story of a group of farm animals who decide they no longer feel that they should live under the control of the human farmers. So what do they do? Start a revolution of course!

In the first few chapters, it felt like I was reading a children's book. It's not everyday you get talking animals and angry pigs in regular adult literature, but I guess that was what made it so easy to read and understand. Orwell, took the message he wanted to put forward and simplified it so much it became almost childlike in its presentation. It is also only 100 pages long so it really doesn't take long to read at all.

Clearly though this is not a children's book, holding a lot of strong themes and ideologies, it is definitely a book for the more mature readers/ older teens and up I thinks. It really makes you think about dreams and ideals and how well they will actually turn out and above all, are our dreams any different from our reality? Is there a difference in what we have now and what we want to have or, is it just a different mindset, allowing us to see the same situation from a different perspective.

A very deep book and personally, one that has made me think rather than talk. This is a great, simply complex book which I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a quick but thought provoking read.

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